Written by: Elsie R (Photo by: Rajat Sarki)
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."
Psalms 34:8 NIV
Taste and see that the Lord is good...
As young adult living in a world where getting drunk, indulging in pornography, cheating, or being addicted to a substance is often deem as, "fun" or "good"; I would have to say I don't do these "fun" things. Let's just say I no longer have a taste for these activities.
I am not going to lie, there was a time in my life where some of theses entertainments were a big craving of mine. I was strongly addicted to satisfying myself with myself, but with God I was able to overcome these challenges.
The question that stirrers up most of my conversations is, "Why don't we just do this (get drunk or have sex for fun ) together?
I was able witness (taste) God's goodness in my life. This taste is like honey being poured, into a nice cup of tea. He changed my whole view on life mentality, emotionally, and spiritually.
So "why" specifically, when you actually have a taste of God's goodness, you will no longer have a taste for the things of the world. So I may be labeled as, "lame" or "boring", but let me tell you want I do have. I have an everlasting joy that's greater then your temporary happiness.
I am aware that we are all humans and we have a choice, in how we want to live our lives.
Have a taste of his goodness, it's fulfilling and the best part is, it has no expiration date. It goes on forever and ever.